New home. New start.
New hope.

A hand up,
not a hand out.

Embassy is a Greater Manchester-based charity that helps people break the cycle of homelessness by providing a home, skills training and wraparound support. 

Our approach is to reintegrate people back into society by helping them to find work and a home of their own, reducing the pressure on local councils. We build our residents’ confidence and give them the life skills to be independent.

Now, we’re taking the next step with Embassy Village, a new community of 40 high quality homes in Manchester with a village hall and green space for sports, socialising and growing plants.

We do resettlement differently. This is what we do.

Housed from day one

Support of a community, friends, church & staff

Help moving into private sector housing

Ongoing support once they’ve got their own home

In-house training in budgeting, home maintenance, work readiness, cooking etc

Meaningful full-time employment with great local companies

No more going around in circles or endless reliance on benefits

Donate now.

Your donation will help someone to break the cycle of homelessness and get back on their own feet.

  • “Embassy helped me so much during my time with them and after I moved on. I was in a bad way, my family was falling apart, I was in and out of court. Embassy were with me every step of the way and have been since I moved on. I cannot thank them enough.”

  • “I am happy to be with Embassy, they have helped to keep me off the street and I like that they will help me with other things.”

  • “Throughout my two months with Embassy, I met some of the kindest and most inspiring people I've ever come across. At all times I was looked after well and felt safe and treated with respect and dignity; I certainly wasn't made to feel like a homeless person with little going for me.”

  • “I genuinely was restored throughout my time with them, mentally and physically.”

  • “I have never lived in a place where it’s always clean, I wake up every morning to peace, no drama… every single day. I’m happy here. It helps me with my focus, stability, consistency and creativity.”

Our Projects.

We’ve run houses in Greater Manchester for both men and women, providing 3,500 hours of support each year. So far, we’ve helped over 175 people get back on their feet, living independently and in work.

Embassy Village is underway, which will quadruple our capacity in 2024.

Get involved.

Whether you’re an individual wanting to do a sponsored event to help raise cash to support our residents, or a business wanting to find out how to get involved, we want to hear from you!

Donations are always welcome, no matter how big or small, or whether it’s a monthly or one-off.

Regular donations are especially impactful as it means we can plan ahead knowing we’re covered.


Our Partners.

Our Supporters.